java - Configuring IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate to add JAR to Classpath instead of Native location -

i'm having problem setting project libraries expected in intellij idea 14.1.4 ultimate. in engine, store native libraries in jar , @ runtime, extract them temporary directory , load them there.

but intellij ultimate detecting jar containing natives natives library location, when wanted on classpath.

what get

the problem is, can't extract them @ runtime since not in classpath, said in documentation of intellij. however, community edition asking how add jar , can select classes there.

what expected

is there way change behaviour? mean, add classpath instead of java.library.path property?

thanks in advance.

i don't have copy of ultimate available currently, i'm not sure solving in ui.

but 1 workaround edit library config file directly. if you're using directory-based project format, it'll in .idea/libraries/mylibrary.xml. find entry under natives (or whatever it's called) , move under classes instead.

<component name="librarytable">   <library name="mylibrary">     <classes>       <root url="jar://$project_dir$/lib/some-classes.jar!/" />     </classes>     <javadoc />     <sources>       <root url="jar://$project_dir$/lib/some-classes-sources.jar!/" />     </sources>   </library> </component> 

be sure close project before making change.


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