php - Laravel 5 built in User Authentication -
i trying use laravel 5 built in user regard redirect user route/page/controller after logged in. trying change code of complied.php file. trying change /home
of below code, not working.
trait authenticatesandregistersusers { protected $auth; protected $registrar; public function getregister() { return view('auth.register'); } public function postregister(request $request) { $validator = $this->registrar->validator($request->all()); if ($validator->fails()) { $this->throwvalidationexception($request, $validator); } $this->auth->login($this->registrar->create($request->all())); return redirect($this->redirectpath()); } public function getlogin() { return view('auth.login'); } public function postlogin(request $request) { $this->validate($request, array('email' => 'required|email', 'password' => 'required')); $credentials = $request->only('email', 'password'); if ($this->auth->attempt($credentials, $request->has('remember'))) { return redirect()->intended($this->redirectpath()); } return redirect($this->loginpath())->withinput($request->only('email', 'remember'))->witherrors(array('email' => $this->getfailedloginmessage())); } protected function getfailedloginmessage() { return 'these credentials not match our records.'; } public function getlogout() { $this->auth->logout(); return redirect('/home'); } public function redirectpath() { if (property_exists($this, 'redirectpath')) { return $this->redirectpath; } return property_exists($this, 'redirectto') ? $this->redirectto : '/home'; } public function loginpath() { return property_exists($this, 'loginpath') ? $this->loginpath : '/auth/login'; } }
you not supposed change in compiled.php
in redirectifauthenticated
middleware change,
return new redirectresponse(url('/home'));
return new redirectresponse(url('/'));
this redirects logged in user desired path, once logged in user returns website. so,handle
function lookes below,
public function handle($request, closure $next) { if ($this->auth->check()) { return new redirectresponse(url('/')); } return $next($request); }
after add following in authcontroller
public $redirectto = '/'; public $redirectafterlogout = '/';
so after successful login user wil redirected redirectto
, after logout user redirected redirectafterlogout
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