swift - XCode 7 Beta 3 - Array extension -
old version of code before xcode 7 beta 3:
extension array { func filterbyindex<s: sequencetype s.generator.element == int>(indices: s) -> [t] { return array(permutationgenerator(elements: self, indices: indices)) } func find(includedelement: t -> bool) -> int? { (idx, element) in self.enumerate() { if includedelement(element) { return idx } } return nil } }
new version of code after xcode 7 beta 3:
extension array { func filterbyindex<s: sequencetype s.generator.element == int>(indices: s) -> [element] { return array(permutationgenerator(elements: self, indices: indices)) } func find(includedelement: element -> bool) -> int? { (idx, element) in self.enumerate() { if includedelement(element) { return idx } } return nil } }
but function filterbyindex gives me error when write line:
let names = (namesarr as! [string]).filterbyindex(dupes)
'[string]' not have member named 'filterbyindex'
what changed ?
the new version of code works fine me with:
[ "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four" ].filterbyindex([1, 3]) // result: [ "one", "three" ]
i'm assuming problem you're having somewhere else. suspected type of dupes
(the definition of not show) no matching requirements of generic function, in tests error message should different in case.
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