android - Error when attaching files with PhoneGap EMailComposer plugin -

i'm using phonegap emailcomposer plugin android send file attached when mail client (gmail app) opens same error "the file can't attached'.

this code i'm using:{                             to: 'xx',                         subject: 'xx',                         body:    'xx',                         attachments: '//file.csv'                     }); 

i'm quite sure path right becasuse when use other file path error changes "attached file can't empty'.

i'm using cordova cli 4.0.0 , plugin version 0.8.2. i've tested in android 4.4.2 , 4.2.1

any idea?

according documentation need use

 attachments: 'file:///storage/sdcard/icon.png', //=> android 

but didn't work me tried without storage , works me. (i'm using android 5.1.1 tests, don't know if works in case android 4.x)

try with:

attachments: 'file:///sdcard/file.csv 


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