c - Why is `switch` so slow? -

in bytecode interpreting loop, after several tests, i'm surprised see using switch worst choice make. making calls function pointer array, or using gcc's computed goto extension 10~20% faster, computed goto version being fastest. i've tested real toy vm 97 instructions , mini fake vm pasted below.

why using switch slowest?

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <time.h>  enum {     add1 = 1,     add2,     sub3,     sub4,     mul5,     mul6, };  static unsigned int number;  static void add1(void) {     number += 1; }  static void add2(void) {     number += 2; }  static void sub3(void) {     number -= 3; }  static void sub4(void) {     number -= 4; }  static void mul5(void) {     number *= 5; }  static void mul6(void) {     number *= 6; }  static void interpret_bytecodes_switch(uint8_t *bcs) {     while (true) {         switch (*bcs++) {         case 0:             return;         case add1:             add1();             break;         case add2:             add2();             break;         case sub3:             sub3();             break;         case sub4:             sub4();             break;         case mul5:             mul5();             break;         case mul6:             mul6();             break;         }     } }  static void interpret_bytecodes_function_pointer(uint8_t *bcs) {     void (*fs[])(void) = {         null,         add1,         add2,         sub3,         sub4,         mul5,         mul6,     };     while (*bcs) {         fs[*bcs++]();     } }  static void interpret_bytecodes_goto(uint8_t *bcs) {     void *labels[] = {         &&l_exit,         &&l_add1,         &&l_add2,         &&l_sub3,         &&l_sub4,         &&l_mul5,         &&l_mul6,     };     #define jump goto *labels[*bcs++]     jump; l_exit:     return; l_add1:     add1();     jump; l_add2:     add2();     jump; l_sub3:     sub3();     jump; l_sub4:     sub4();     jump; l_mul5:     mul5();     jump; l_mul6:     mul6();     jump;     #undef jump }  struct timer {     clock_t start, end; };  static void timer_start(struct timer *self) {     self->start = clock(); }  static void timer_end(struct timer *self) {     self->end = clock(); }  static double timer_measure(struct timer *self) {     return (double)(self->end - self->start) / clocks_per_sec; }  static void test(void (*f)(uint8_t *), uint8_t *bcs) {     number = 0;     struct timer timer;     timer_start(&timer);     f(bcs);     timer_end(&timer);     printf("%u %.3fs\n", number, timer_measure(&timer)); }  int main(void) {     const int n = 300000000;     srand((unsigned)time(null));     uint8_t *bcs = malloc(n + 1);     (int = 0; < n; ++i) {         bcs[i] = rand() % 5 + 1;     }     bcs[n] = 0;     (int = 0; < 10; ++i) {         printf("%d ", bcs[i]);     }     printf("\nswitch\n");     test(interpret_bytecodes_switch, bcs);     printf("function pointer\n");     test(interpret_bytecodes_function_pointer, bcs);     printf("goto\n");     test(interpret_bytecodes_goto, bcs);     return 0; } 


~$ gcc vm.c -ovm -std=gnu11 -o3 ~$ ./vm 3 4 5 3 3 5 3 3 1 2  switch 3050839589 2.866s function pointer 3050839589 2.573s goto 3050839589 2.433s ~$ ./vm 3 1 1 3 5 5 2 4 5 1  switch 3898179583 2.871s function pointer 3898179583 2.573s goto 3898179583 2.431s ~$ ./vm 5 5 1 2 3 3 1 2 2 4  switch 954521520 2.869s function pointer 954521520 2.574s goto 954521520 2.432s 

below relevant disassembly of code posted here after -o3 optimization.

interpret_bytecodes_switch: .l8:     addq    $1, %rdi     cmpb    $6, -1(%rdi)     ja  .l8     movzbl  -1(%rdi), %edx     jmp *.l11(,%rdx,8) .l11:     .quad   .l10     .quad   .l12     .quad   .l13     .quad   .l14     .quad   .l15     .quad   .l16     .quad   .l17 .l16:     leal    (%rax,%rax,4), %eax     jmp .l8 .l15:     subl    $4, %eax     jmp .l8 .l14:     subl    $3, %eax     jmp .l8 .l13:     addl    $2, %eax     jmp .l8 .l12:     addl    $1, %eax     jmp .l8 .l10:     movl    %eax, number(%rip)     ret .l17:     leal    (%rax,%rax,2), %eax     addl    %eax, %eax     jmp .l8  interpret_bytecodes_function_pointer:     pushq   %rbx     movq    %rdi, %rbx     subq    $64, %rsp     movzbl  (%rdi), %eax     movq    $0, (%rsp)     movq    $add1, 8(%rsp)     movq    $add2, 16(%rsp)     movq    $sub3, 24(%rsp)     movq    $sub4, 32(%rsp)     movq    $mul5, 40(%rsp)     testb   %al, %al     movq    $mul6, 48(%rsp)     je  .l19 .l23:     addq    $1, %rbx     call    *(%rsp,%rax,8)     movzbl  (%rbx), %eax     testb   %al, %al     jne .l23 .l19:     addq    $64, %rsp     popq    %rbx     ret  interpret_bytecodes_goto:     movzbl  (%rdi), %eax     movq    $.l27, -72(%rsp)     addq    $2, %rdi     movq    $.l28, -64(%rsp)     movq    $.l29, -56(%rsp)     movq    $.l30, -48(%rsp)     movq    $.l31, -40(%rsp)     movq    $.l32, -32(%rsp)     movq    $.l33, -24(%rsp)     movq    -72(%rsp,%rax,8), %rax     jmp *%rax .l33:     movl    number(%rip), %eax     leal    (%rax,%rax,2), %eax     addl    %eax, %eax     movl    %eax, number(%rip)     movzbl  -1(%rdi), %eax     movq    -72(%rsp,%rax,8), %rax .l35:     addq    $1, %rdi     jmp *%rax .l28:     addl    $1, number(%rip)     movzbl  -1(%rdi), %eax     movq    -72(%rsp,%rax,8), %rax     jmp .l35 .l30:     subl    $3, number(%rip)     movzbl  -1(%rdi), %eax     movq    -72(%rsp,%rax,8), %rax     jmp .l35 .l31:     subl    $4, number(%rip)     movzbl  -1(%rdi), %eax     movq    -72(%rsp,%rax,8), %rax     jmp .l35 .l32:     movl    number(%rip), %eax     leal    (%rax,%rax,4), %eax     movl    %eax, number(%rip)     movzbl  -1(%rdi), %eax     movq    -72(%rsp,%rax,8), %rax     jmp .l35 .l29:     addl    $2, number(%rip)     movzbl  -1(%rdi), %eax     movq    -72(%rsp,%rax,8), %rax     jmp .l35 .l27:     rep ret 

switch slowest because has manage default cases , may add bounds test didn't implemented.

switch handles more general case case values not arranged in simple sequence, computation may needed that.


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