php - Should I be returning DB results inside the function or loop through the results outside the function? -

so wondering what's best way/practise of querying database in function , printing results .php page. got taught query in function(), call function() inside .php page , loop through resultset inside .php page.

here example of i'm doing - im wondering if "unsafe" or "not secure" or slower returning results in function? because @ moment - taking while load on page? because i'm doing using if statements inside while loop?

     showplaylist($statictestuser);       if($numrecords == 0){             echo "<div class='no-found'>no playlists found</div>";         }         else{                 $htmloutput = "<div class='playlist-wrap'>";              $i = 1;             while($arrrows = $stmt->fetch(pdo::fetch_assoc)){                     $title = $arrrows['song-title']                     $thumbnail=$arrrows['thumb']                      $playtitle = $arrrows['playlistname'];                     $htmloutput .= "<div class='playlist-head'>";                     //make sure title shown once - loop through rest.                     if($i == 1){                         $htmloutput .= $playtitle;                     }                      $htmloutput .= "</div>";                     $htmloutput .= "<div class='playlist-item'>";                         $htmloutput .= "<div class='play-thumb'>".$thumbnail."</div>";                         $htmloutput .= "<div class='play-title'>".substr($title, 0,30)."...</div>";                     $htmloutput .= "</div>";                      if($i == $numrecords){                     $playid = $arrrows['pid'];                     $htmloutput .= "<div class='playlist-footer'>";                         $htmloutput .= "<div class='play-stats'>";                         $htmloutput .= "likes:".$arrrows['likes']." -- dislikes: ".$arrrows['dislikes'];                         $htmloutput .= "</div>";                         $htmloutput .= "<div class='play-vote'>";                         $htmloutput .= "<button name='playlike' type='submit' value='$playid'>like</button>";                         $htmloutput .= "<button name='playdislike' type='submit' value='$playid'>dislike</button>";                          $htmloutput .= "</div>";                     $htmloutput .= "</div>";                 }                 $i++;                     unset($playtitle);             }             $htmloutput .= "</div>";                  echo $htmloutput;         } 

there aren't specific security issues code can see, best practice right use mvc - model, view, controller - design pattern. see here. or mvp - model, view, presenter - design pattern. see here. both similar.

using 1 of these patterns has many benefits biggest ones in opinion code readable, portability, , reusability. may speed things well.

the if statements inside code wouldn't whats slowing code down - repeated fetch @ beginning of while loop.


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