php - Symfony key array in twig -

i want show information 1 entity.

the entity has information related , use query obtain information.

class playlist {     private $id;      private $name;      private $items;      public function __construct()     {         $this->items = new \doctrine\common\collections\arraycollection();     }      public function additem(\publicartel\appbundle\entity\playlistcontent $content)     {         $content->setplaylist($this);          $this->items->add($content);          return $this;     }      public function removeitem(\publicartel\appbundle\entity\playlistcontent $content)     {         $this->items->removeelement($content);     }      public function getitems()     {         return $this->items;     } }  class playlistcontent {     private $content;  public function setcontent(\publicartel\appbundle\entity\content $content = null)     {         $this->content = $content;          return $this;     }      public function getcontent()     {         return $this->content;     }  } 

// controller:

$playlists = $em->getrepository('publicartelappbundle:playlist')->getallplaylist();  return $this->render('publicartelappbundle:player:calendar.html.twig', array(  'playlists' => $playlists, )); 

// query

public function getallplaylist()     {         $em = $this->getentitymanager();          $dql = 'select p, cnt, plc publicartel\appbundle\entity\playlist p                 left join p.items cnt                 left join cnt.content plc';          $query = $this->getentitymanager()             ->createquery($dql)             ->sethydrationmode(\doctrine\orm\query::hydrate_array);          return $query->execute();     } 

the consultation seeks elements of content entity, takes left join on ' items' , 'content'.

// twig template

i have sought access element of 2 ways:

{% playlist in playlists.items.content %}     <img src="/{{ playlist.path}}">  {% endfor %} 

key "items" array keys " 0, 1 " not exist in publicartelappbundle : player : calendar.html.twig @ line 215

{% playlist in playlists %}     <img src="/{{ playlist.items.content.path }}"> {% endfor %} 

key "content" array keys "0, 1" not exist in publicartelappbundle:player:calendar.html.twig @ line 223

'path' attribute entity 'content' want show.

i guess need loop this:

{% playlistcontent in playlists.items %}     {% if playlistcontent.content not null %}         <img src="/{{ playlistcontent.content.path }}">      {% endif %} {% endfor %} 


that found:

{% playlist in playlists %}     {% playlistcontent in playlist.items %}         <img src="/{{ playlistcontent.content.screenshot}}">         <img src="/{{ playlistcontent.content.path}}">     {% endfor %}     {% endfor %} 


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