r - Make Blockchiain inquiries using Rbitcoin -

i need information associated transactions made in blockchain since last january. specifically, need transaction fee , block height of every transaction.

i assume need use command: blockchain.api.query(..., method, verbose = getoption("rbitcoin.verbose", 0))but don´t know how.

thank help!

i recommend add r tag in questions related rbitcoin.
regarding blockchain.api.query should find answer in package documentation.
may see blockchain.api.process related function.
regarding want achieve, rbitcoin - particularly backend of blockchain.api.* functions blockchain.info api, , not right solution you.
recommend use json-rpc locally stored blockchain, not remote 1 on blockchain.info.
there open ticket in rbitcoin repo support quering data locally stored blockchain: rbitcoin#8.

update 2015-11-08:

i've released bitcoin daemon r client separate package, see: jangorecki/rbitcoind.


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