haskell - Generalising ($) like Control.Category generalises (.) -

i had thought generalise ($) control.category generalises (.), , i've done code @ end of post (also ideone).

in code i've created class called functionobject. class has function ($) following signature:

($) :: f b -> -> b 

naturally make (->) instance of class $ continues work ordinary functions.

but allows make special functions that, example, know own inverse, example below shows.

i've concluded there's 1 of 3 possibilities:

  1. i'm first think of it.
  2. someone else has done , i'm reinventing wheel.
  3. it's bad idea.

option 1 seems unlikely, , searches on hayoo didn't reveal option 2, suspect option 3 likely, if explain why good.

import prelude hiding ((.), ($)) import control.category ((.), category)  class functionobject f   ($) :: f b -> -> b  infixr 0 $  instance functionobject (->)   f $ x = f x  data invertiblefunction b =     invertiblefunction (a -> b) (b -> a)  instance category invertiblefunction   (invertiblefunction f f') . (invertiblefunction g g') =     invertiblefunction (f . g) (g' . f')  instance functionobject invertiblefunction   (invertiblefunction f _) $ x = f $ x  inverse (invertiblefunction f f') = invertiblefunction f' f  add :: (num n) => n -> invertiblefunction n n add n = invertiblefunction (+n) (subtract n)  main =   print $ add 2 $ 5 -- 7   print $ inverse (add 2) $ 5 -- 3 

there 2 abstractions used things in haskell, 1 usings arrows , other applicatives. both can broken down smaller parts used in base.

if go in arrow direction , break down capabilities of arrows component pieces, you'd have separate class arrows able lift arbitrary functions arrow.

class arrowarr     arr :: (b -> c) -> b c 

this opposite of arrowarr, arrows arbitrary arrow can dropped function.

class arrowfun     ($) :: b c -> (b -> c) 

if split arr off of arrow left arrow categories can construct , deconstruct tuples.

class category => arrowlike     fst   :: (b, d) b     snd   :: (d, b) b     (&&&) :: b c -> b c' -> b (c,c') 

if go in applicative direction copointed "applicative without pure" (which goes name apply).

class copointed p source     copoint :: p ->  class functor f => apply f   (<.>) :: f (a -> b) -> f -> f b 

when go way typically drop category functions , instead have type constructor c a representing values (including function values) constructed according set of rules.


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