javascript - How to update an arrays (angularjs) element without splice? -

i having situation in post here not need fetch element, change e.g. name value.

i found out 1 that:

datalist.splice(index, 1); datalist.splice(index, 0, newitem); 

but there several problems. know id if manipulating array time time loose track of index <=> id correlation because method take out items, change them , push them "new" one, right? kind of not elegant , cause problems think.

basically want toggle visible attribute should change in array. here array:

$scope.clines = [{ id: 1, ccolor: 'red', cname: 'entryline right', visible: true }]; 

of course there more elements inside, left 1 simplicity reasons.

the visible toggler should working (naiv "pseudocode" awesome if work simple :) )

$scope.clines[id === id].visible = !$scope.clines[id === id].visible; 

second best thing if access element directly filter, possible?

thank in advance.

there several ways go it. 1 use filter().

var id = 1; var visibility = true;  var items = $scope.clines.filter(function(item) {     return === id; }); if (items.length >= 1) items[0].visible = visibility; 

you can wrap function:

function setvisibility(arr, id, visibility) {     var items = arr.filter(function(item) {         return === id;     });     if (items.length >= 1) items[0].visible = visibility; } 

then use this:

setvisibility($scope.clines, 1, true); 

you update $scope.clines more complex object, instead of array:

$scope.clines = {     "item" : function (id) {         var items = this.lines.filter(function(item) {             return === id;         });         if (items.length >= 1)              return items[0];         else             return new object(); //or throw error     },     "lines" : [         { id: 1, ccolor: 'red', cname: 'entryline right', visible: true }         //....and more     ] }; 

then use this:

$scope.clines.item(1).visible = true; 

with this, make sure use $scope.clines.lines if have loop through it.


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