javascript - inserting html-js in a single wordpress templet page -

hi new web development developing website using word press theme have made html/js code want insert in 1 of page full width template. html/js looks this

        <!doctype html>         <html>         <head>          <title>google maps api v3 example: distance matrix</title>         <script src=""></script>        <style>        html, body {         height: 100%;         margin: 0;         padding: 0;       }       #wrapper {       width: 100%;       height: 100%;       }       #map-canvas {         height: 100%;         width: 100%;         position: relative;         z-index: -1;       }             #outputdiv {         font-size: 11px;       }       table { background-color: #828282; border-collapse: collapse;        left: 75px;       right: 0;       bottom: 0;       top: 50px;       position: fixed;       float: left;       z-index: 0;       opacity: 1;       }       table,th {border: 4px solid #000;        }       table,td { font-family: roboto; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 300;       }       p {display: inline;}       #span1 { background-color: #828282; width: 140px; float: left; height: 100%}       #span2 { background-color: #828282; width: 50px; float: right;height: 100% }     </style>       <script>       var map;           var geocoder;           var bounds = new google.maps.latlngbounds();           var markersarray = [];       var origin1 = '';       var destinationa = '';           var destinationicon = '|ff0000|000000';          var originicon = '|ffff00|000000';       function initialize() {        var bluestylemap = [     {         "featuretype": "all",         "elementtype": "labels.text.fill",         "stylers": [             {                 "saturation": 36             },             {                 "color": "#000000"             },             {                 "lightness": 40             }         ]     },     {         "featuretype": "all",         "elementtype": "labels.text.stroke",         "stylers": [             {                 "visibility": "on"             },             {                 "color": "#000000"             },             {                 "lightness": 16             }         ]     },     {         "featuretype": "all",         "elementtype": "labels.icon",         "stylers": [             {                 "visibility": "off"             }         ]     },     {         "featuretype": "administrative",         "elementtype": "geometry.fill",         "stylers": [             {                 "color": "#000000"             },             {                 "lightness": 20             }         ]     },     {         "featuretype": "administrative",         "elementtype": "geometry.stroke",         "stylers": [             {                 "color": "#000000"             },             {                 "lightness": 17             },             {                 "weight": 1.2             }         ]     },     {         "featuretype": "landscape",         "elementtype": "geometry",         "stylers": [             {                 "color": "#000000"             },             {                 "lightness": 20             }         ]     },     {         "featuretype": "poi",         "elementtype": "geometry",         "stylers": [             {                 "color": "#000000"             },             {                 "lightness": 21             }         ]     },     {         "featuretype": "road.highway",         "elementtype": "geometry.fill",         "stylers": [             {                 "color": "#2b2b2b"             },             {                 "lightness": 17             }         ]     },     {         "featuretype": "road.highway",         "elementtype": "geometry.stroke",         "stylers": [             {                 "color": "#040404"             },             {                 "lightness": 29             },             {                 "weight": 0.2             }         ]     },     {         "featuretype": "road.highway.controlled_access",         "elementtype": "geometry.fill",         "stylers": [             {                 "hue": "#ff0000"             }         ]     },     {         "featuretype": "road.arterial",         "elementtype": "geometry",         "stylers": [             {                 "color": "#000000"             },             {                 "lightness": 18             }         ]     },     {         "featuretype": "road.arterial",         "elementtype": "geometry.fill",         "stylers": [             {                 "hue": "#ff0000"             }         ]     },     {         "featuretype": "road.local",         "elementtype": "geometry",         "stylers": [             {                 "color": "#000000"             },             {                 "lightness": 16             }         ]     },     {         "featuretype": "transit",         "elementtype": "geometry",         "stylers": [             {                 "color": "#000000"             },             {                 "lightness": 19             }         ]     },     {         "featuretype": "water",         "elementtype": "geometry",         "stylers": [             {                 "color": "#0c526e"             },             {                 "lightness": 17             }         ]     } ];         var mapoptions = {           center: new google.maps.latlng(19.105934, 72.849618),           zoom: 10,            maptypecontroloptions: {           maptypeid: [google.maps.maptypeid.roadmap , 'mumbaimap']         }       };                map = new'map-canvas'), mapoptions);         var styledmapoptions = {         name: 'mumbai map'         };         var mumbaimaptype = new google.maps.styledmaptype(         bluestylemap, styledmapoptions);         map.maptypes.set('mumbaimap', mumbaimaptype);         map.setmaptypeid('mumbaimap');             var fromtext = document.getelementbyid('fadd');         var options = {         componentrestrictions: {country: 'in'}         };         var fromauto = new google.maps.places.autocomplete(fromtext, options);         fromauto.bindto('bound', map);         var totext = document.getelementbyid('tadd');         var toauto = new google.maps.places.autocomplete(totext, options);         toauto.bindto('bound', map);         geocoder = new google.maps.geocoder();   }         function calculatedistances() {         var service = new google.maps.distancematrixservice();         service.getdistancematrix(           {             origins: [document.getelementbyid("fadd").value],             destinations: [document.getelementbyid("tadd").value],             travelmode: google.maps.travelmode.driving,             unitsystem: google.maps.unitsystem.metric,             avoidhighways: false,             avoidtolls: false           }, callback);       }         function callback(response, status) {         if (status != google.maps.distancematrixstatus.ok) {           alert('error was: ' + status);         } else {           var origins = response.originaddresses;           var destinations = response.destinationaddresses;           var outputdiv = document.getelementbyid('outputdiv');           var amt_to_pay = document.getelementbyid('amt_to_pay');           var totalfare = document.getelementbyid('totalfare');           var auto_fare = document.getelementbyid('auto_fare');           var taxi_fare = document.getelementbyid('taxi_fare');           var auto_save = document.getelementbyid('auto_save');           var taxi_save = document.getelementbyid('taxi_save');              outputdiv.innerhtml = '';           deleteoverlays();           (var = 0; < origins.length; i++) {             var results = response.rows[i].elements;             addmarker(origins[i], false);             (var j = 0; j < results.length; j++) {               addmarker(destinations[j], true);             outputdiv.innerhtml += results[j].distance.value  + '<br>';            var totalmts = document.getelementbyid('outputdiv').innerhtml ;           var totalkms = math.round(parseint(totalmts) / 1000);           var totalamt = totalkms * 10;           var totalautofare = totalkms * 10;           var totaltaxifare = math.round(totalkms * 12.4);           var autosavings =  math.round(totalautofare - totalamt);           var taxisavings =  math.round(totaltaxifare - totalamt);                 amt_to_pay.innerhtml = totalkms;                 totalfare.innerhtml = totalamt;                 auto_fare.innerhtml = totalautofare;                 taxi_fare.innerhtml = totaltaxifare;                 auto_save.innerhtml = autosavings;                 taxi_save.innerhtml = taxisavings;                                   }           }        }       }           function addmarker(location, isdestination) {           var icon;           if (isdestination) {           icon = destinationicon;           } else {           icon = originicon;           }           geocoder.geocode({'address': location}, function(results, status) {           if (status == google.maps.geocoderstatus.ok) {             bounds.extend(results[0].geometry.location);             map.fitbounds(bounds);             var marker = new google.maps.marker({               map: map,               position: results[0].geometry.location,               icon: icon             });             markersarray.push(marker);           } else {           alert('geocode not successful following reason: '+ status);           }         });       }           function deleteoverlays() {           if (markersarray) {           (var in markersarray) {             markersarray[i].setmap(null);           }           markersarray.length = 0;         }       } google.maps.event.adddomlistener(window, 'load', initialize);      </script> </head> <body onload="initialize()"> <table>     <thead>       <tr>          <td aling="left" height="50">fare estimate         </td>        </tr>      </thead>   <tbody>       <tr>               <td height="30" width="" align="center">           <input type="text" id="fadd" size="20" placeholder="enter pickup lcation">           </td>       </tr>       <tr>         <td height="30" width="" align="center">           <input type="text" id="tadd" size="20" placeholder="enter destination lcation">         </td>       </tr>        <!--just creating space-->       <tr>         <td height="30" ><div id="span1">distance:</div><div id="span2"><div id="amt_to_pay"></div></div></td>       </tr>       <tr>         <td height="30" ><div id="span1">fare:</div><div id="span2"><div id="totalfare"></div></div></td>       </tr>       <tr>        <td height="30" ><div id="span1">you save(auto)</div><div id="span2"><div id="auto_save"></div></div></td>       </tr>       <tr>         <td height="30" ><div id="span1">you save(taxi)</div><div id="span2"><div id="taxi_save"></div></div></td>       </tr>       <tr>         <td height="40" width="" align="center">           <div id="inputs">               <p><button type="button" style="color: #000; font-size: 10pt"; onclick="calculatedistances();">compare fare</button></p>           </div>         </td>       </tr> </table>  <div style="display: none;"> <table align = center>   <tr>         <td width="30%" align="left"> <h2> distance (kms) </h2> <div id="amt_to_pay"></div>  </td> <td> </td> <td width="30%" align="left" > <h2> fare (rs.) </h2> <div id="totalfare" ></div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="30%" align="left"> <h3> auto </h3> </td> <td> </td> <td width="30%" align="left"> <h3> taxi </h3> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="30%" align="left"> <h4> pay: </h4>  </td> <td> <div id="auto_fare" ></div> </td> <td width="30%" align="left"> <h4> pay: </h4> </td> <td align="left"> <div id="taxi_fare"></div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="30%" align="left"> <h4> save: </h4>  </td> <td> <div id="auto_save" ></div> </td> <td width="25%" align="left"> <h4> save:</h4> </td> <td> <div id="taxi_save" ></div> </td> </tr> </table> </div>      <div id="outputdiv" style="display: none;"></div>    <div id="wrapper">       <div id="map-canvas"></div>       <div id="table"></div>        </div>   </body> </html>      

an template page looks this

    <?php  /* template name: full width page */    get_header(); ?>  <div class="clear"></div>  </header> <!-- / end home section  -->        <div id="content" class="site-content">  <div class="container">    <div class="content-left-wrap col-md-12">      <div id="primary" class="content-area">          <main id="main" class="site-main" role="main">                <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>                    <?php get_template_part( 'content', 'page' ); ?>                    <?php                      // if comments open or have @ least 1 comment, load comment template                      if ( comments_open() || '0' != get_comments_number() ) :                          comments_template();                      endif;                  ?>                <?php endwhile; // end of loop. ?>            </main><!-- #main -->      </div><!-- #primary -->  </div><!-- .content-left-wrap -->     </div><!-- .container -->  <?php get_footer(); ?> 

how merge these 2 ? in advance , hints appreciated

remove doctype declaration (head, title , closing tags) map file , use get_template_part()


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