node.js - How to use exec-php(node js) in MVC framework like zend? -

basically want on here data node server js, data returned function written zend model.

my node js server code below:

var socket = require( '' ); var express = require( 'express' ); var http = require( 'http' ); var execphp = require('exec-php');  var app = express(); var server = http.createserver( app );  var io = socket.listen( server );  execphp('../application/modules/front/models/dbtable/postcontent.php',  function(error, php, outprint){ php.fetchentryall(function(error, result){ io.sockets.emit('showfeeds', result); }); });  server.listen( 7000 ); 

so when tried execute above code gives me error below:

error: command failed: php fatal error: class 'zend_db_table_abstract' not found in /data/www/xxx/application/modules/front/models/dbtable/postcontent.php on line 3

same code works when use core php instead of zend.

so believe can't use oop stuff exec-php.

is there solution here?

reference link exec-php:

the problem ran not oop autoloading object class file(s).

while have path defined first file or of following files don't have path defined dependencies--like abstract class.

zf1 files should have require statements , work without auto loader. missing , need same in own modules files.

in application/modules/front/models/dbtable/postcontent.php file have hint path abstract class require_once statement.


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