objective c - Is there a "touch slop" constant for iOS? -

on android, there "touch slop" concept, representing minimum distance "a touch can wander before think user scrolling". there similar concept / constant on ios can use?

reference android: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/viewconfiguration.html#getscaledtouchslop()

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here's use case: i'm implementing custom gesture recognizer general uiview. should fire touch down, touch & click event when appropriate. desired effect simulate how uicontrols respond touch gestures on general uiviews. problem is, when uiview inside scrollview, click event should not fire when scrollview starts scrolling. i'm merely seeking read-only access constant, or wondering if such constant commonly agreed.

a "touch slop" property applies if using uilongpressgesturerecognizer. (take @ allowablemovement property.) system handles gesture classification logic behind scenes. if need functionality normal uipangesturerecognizer, should implement own uigesturerecognizer subclass. more information on subclassing can found in the documentation.


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