c# - My ForgotPassword method is not sending email -

i have problem in forgot password method although status=rantocompletion there no email received @ all. i've tried many email addresses , there nothing. can 1 tell me might problem. here code:

   // post: /account/forgotpassword         [httppost]         [allowanonymous]         [validateantiforgerytoken]         public async task<actionresult> forgotpassword(forgotpasswordviewmodel model)         {             if (modelstate.isvalid)             {                 var user = await usermanager.findbynameasync(model.email);                 if (user == null || !(await usermanager.isemailconfirmedasync(user.id)))                 {                     // don't reveal user not exist or not confirmed                     return view("forgotpasswordconfirmation");                 }                  string code = await usermanager.generatepasswordresettokenasync(user.id);                 var callbackurl = url.action("resetpassword", "account", new { userid = user.id, code = code }, protocol: request.url.scheme);                 await usermanager.sendemailasync(user.id, "reset password", "please reset password clicking <a href=\"" + callbackurl + "\">here</a>");                 return redirecttoaction("forgotpasswordconfirmation", "account");             }              // if got far, failed, redisplay form             return view(model);         } 

and here debugging image: an image of debugging

well, have configure web.config proper smtp server settings? refer discussion: gmail + c# + web.config: send mail works programmatically, throws exception using web.config values

what need set this:

<system.net>   <mailsettings>     <smtp deliverymethod="network" from="your@emailaddress.com">         <network host="smtp.gmail.com" port="587" defaultcredentials="true" username="your@emailaddress.com" password="somepassword" />     </smtp>   </mailsettings> </system.net> 

after that, try changing line:

await usermanager.sendemailasync(user.id, "reset password", "please reset password clicking <a href=\"" + callbackurl + "\">here</a>"); 

to this:

usermanager.sendemail(user.id, "reset password", "please reset password clicking <a href=\"" + callbackurl + "\">here</a>"); 

note absence of async , await, , try debug application, should able see stacktrace should wrong happens.


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