ios - Not receiving push notifications in background, only foreground (no alerts) -

i've set app push notifications, , past few days of development i've received 0 notifications when app in background. no alert, badges, sounds -- nada. nothing shows in notifications area when swipe down screen above.

but when app in foreground, application:didreceiveremotenotification: indeed fire off. when first started messing around notifications, getting them, @ point stopped working. i've verified phone has notifications enabled app.

i'm using quickblox send cross-platform push notifications, , have control panel on website can send notifications. when sent 1 through there, receive in background. on foreground, see log output ones sent control panel:

 2015-07-11 00:11:26.755 viewerapp[6671:2177549] didreceiveremotenotification userinfo={     aps =     {         alert = "testing push notification";         sound = default;     }; } 

and receive when client app uses quickblox api send push notification:

 2015-07-11 00:14:14.907 viewerapp[6671:2177549] didreceiveremotenotification userinfo={     qbuserid = 2574021;     aps =     {         alert = "";     };     messageos = android;     messagetext = "push notification test";     messagetype = "simplemessage";     username = john; } 

is problem latter lacks data in aps? seem it's quickblox issue?


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