java - How to detect web based popup such as the one Google Play store is using with Selenium Webdriver? -

example: go playstore app
permissions , click link (view details)
web based (javascript activate) popup.

how detect it?
since not ordinary web based or window pop up, doesn't detect @ all.

pcontent = driver.switchto().activeelement().findelement(by.classname("model-dialog")); location = pcontent.findelement(by.xpath("//bucket-description[text(),'precise location (gps , network-based]")).gettext(); system.out.println(location); 

if know how detect selenium webdriver, please help!
thank in advance!

idk how code full of bugs

1.there no such class model-dialog modal-dialog.please copy paste html or cross check value at-least once."//bucket-description[text(),'precise location (gps , network-based]").is xpath start creating once

3.that not's normal element that's hidden inside webdriverwait , expectedconditions , see how check visibility of element

4.why want find element it's text , printing it's text. doesn't make sense

well here's full code works prefectly

    webdriver driver = new firefoxdriver();     driver.get("");      webelement permission = driver.findelement(by.classname("id-view-permissions-details"));;      webdriverwait wait = new webdriverwait(driver, 10);     webelement modalpopup = driver.findelement(by.classname("modal-dialog"));     wait.until(expectedconditions.visibilityof(modalpopup));      string xpath = "//ul[@class='bucket-description']//li[text()='precise location (gps , network-based)']";     webelement whattheheck = driver.findelement(by.xpath(xpath));     system.out.println(whattheheck.gettext());      driver.quit(); 


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