windows - Delphi SaveDialog not displayed -

in application developed delphi xe6 , reportbuilder (link), , deployed on windows 7 computers, after reportbuilder report displayed on screen, user has option print file.

a button allows user select directory file saved:

 /* source code provided digital metaphors; cannot change it. */  savedialog1: tsavedialog;  ...  procedure tppprintdialog.btnprinttofileclick(sender: tobject);  begin    if savedialog1.execute      begin 

in of windows 7 computers application has been deployed, report works correctly.

however, in computers, nothing happens when savedialog1.execute executed.

i have found stackoverflow post reference embarcadero post states following:

problem there resolved deleting executable name hklm\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\image file execution options

unfortunately, in case, problem has not been solved because application not listed on mentioned registry entry.

i have contacted digital metaphors , embarcadero no avail.

this happened me when had set environment variables project in delphi ide. when starting in debugger, neither load nor save dialogs shown due ole error silently ignored in vcl. removing these environment variables again solved problem.

unfortunately don't remember delphi version was.


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