java - Getting the output of a subprocess that inherited parent's IO -

i having trouble getting output of subprocess. use process.getinputstream(). however, in case, set subprocess inherit parent's io. need because output subprocess exceeds buffer set kernel , hang. using linux btw.

    //creating named pipe     file fifo = fifocreator.createfifopipe("fifo");     string[] command = new string[] {"cat", fifo.getabsolutepath()};     process = new processbuilder(command).inheritio().start(); //inherit io      filewriter fw = new filewriter(fifo.getabsolutefile());     bufferedwriter bw = new bufferedwriter(fw);     bw.write(boxstring);     bw.close();     process.waitfor();     fifocreator.removefifopipe(fifo.tostring());      //gets nothing here     stdinput = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(process.getinputstream()));     string input = readalllines(stdinput); 

ideally want keep in memory since want performance , less trash.

is there way redirect output of subprocess data structure? if not, there way output?

i thinking of creating separate thread gets output stream.

to avoid kernel buffer problem use thread read output in this question. call streamgobbler


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