ruby - Add Nokogiri parse result to variable -

i have xml document:

<cred> <login>tove</login> <pass>jani</pass> </cred> 

my code is:

require 'nokogiri' require 'selwet'  context "parse xml" doc = nokogiri::xml("test.xml")) doc.xpath("cred/login").each  |char_element|  puts char_element.text  end  should "check" unit.go_to "" '.b-inline' unit.fill '[name="login"]', @login end 

when run test get:

 tove  0 

but want insert parse result @login. how can variables parsing result? need insert login , pass values xml fields in web page?

i'd use values:

require 'nokogiri'  doc = nokogiri::xml(<<eot) <cred> <login>tove</login> <pass>jani</pass> </cred> eot  login ='login').text # => "tove" pass ='pass').text # => "jani" 

nokogiri makes easy access values using css, use readability when possible. same thing can done using xpath:

login ='//login').text # => "tove" pass ='//pass').text # => "jani" 

but having add // twice accomplish same thing wasted effort.

the important part at, returns first occurrence of target. at allows use either css or xpath, css less visually noisy.


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