How to display HTML images along with the text in android.? -

i new android development. using webview display html pages in android, text shows up. can please me problem. thank in advance, helpful.

 webview view = (webview) this.findviewbyid(;     try{          inputstream stream = this.getassets().open("capacitor code calculator.html");         int streamsize = stream.available();          byte[] buffer = new byte[streamsize];;         stream.close();         string html = new string(buffer);         view.loaddata(html,"text/html", "utf-8");     }     catch (exception e){         e.printstacktrace(); 

does have "text/html" in view.loaddata(html,"text/html", "utf-8");

i have html , image file both in assets folder.

it might can't have spaces in file name in line:

inputstream stream = this.getassets().open("capacitor code calculator.html"); 

what url you're giving in <img> tag? have spaces in name also?


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