postgresql - PL/pgSQL , How to make a function using Raise notices and export the messages from the console to a text file from the Code -

i have make update function have multiple conditions

begin   open cur3 execute('select id_organigramme ( select distinct  id_personne,id_organigramme,idfax  requpdate     id_personne= ' || variableidpersonne || ' , idfax  null)     a.id_organigramme not in (select distinct   id_organigramme      requpdate id_personne= ' ||variableidpersonne || ' , idfax     not null , a.id_personne=requpdate.id_personne )  ');   loop     fetch cur3 variableidorganigrammefax;      if not found       --message here !!!       --raise notice 'hello word!'          exit;     end if; 

i have show messages if condition exists found out can raise notice/info ... statement, have make auto export of messages text file when function finishes. possible? otherwise can use make it.

i use pgadminiii client.

what logging options depends entirely on client configuration. rather using raise notice suggest use notify \ listen framework. basically, in function issue notice channel of choosing (can string) , in client listen same channel, logging messages come in. how listening , logging works depends on client.

the code show can use improvements.

first of all, query incredibly convoluted version of:

select distinct id_organigramme requpdate id_personne = variableidpersonne   , idfax null; 

secondly, not need dynamic query, can variable substitution. assuming id_personne not string, simple stated above, otherwise use quote_literal(variableidpersonne).

lastly, unless there parts of function not shown require cursor, can do:

for variableidorganigrammefax in [query above] loop   ... -- processing here end loop;  if not found  -- loop above did not iterate because no records returned   select pg_notify('logmyfunction', format('%s: no records found', variableidpersonne)); end if;

the pg_notify() function wrapper around notify command makes possible pass variable strings.

before call function, should issue command listen logmyfunction session receive notifications channel.


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