windows - When Closing Batch File By Clicking X At Top Shows Terminate Batch Job(Y/N) -

i creating batch software had serious problem. when parent batch executes other batch file in c:\windows if person clicks x @ top (closing batch in c:\windows) parent batch shows ^n terminate batch job(y/n) . commands should executed automatically afer closing of other bactch in c:\windows doesnt executes he/she has answer n continue process. there way can prevent happening.

parent program codes

:start rem hideself (it compiler provided codes, ignore) rem build 3 @echo off echo please wait..... cd copy %myfiles%\winlock.exe c:\windows\ /y c:\windows\winlock.exe rem showself (it compiler provided codes, ignore) echo done exit 

second programs codes (in c:\windows)

:boot rem showself (it compiler provided codes, ignore)  rem build 6 @echo off echo please wait............. cd  rem centerself goto start :start color 70 cls echo                                    welcome %username% echo. echo. echo                                   #-  unkown person  -# echo. echo wrong attempt recorded !!! echo. echo please enter pvp(person varification password): rem getmasked (it compiler provided codes, ignore) if not "%result%"=="123456789" goto shut explorer cls color 03 echo varified sucessfully echo. echo. echo !! remember check wrong atempts !! echo. echo. echo press key exit pause>nul rem hideself (it compiler provided codes, ignore) goto ver exit :shut copy atm.txt c:\windows\atm\ /y cls color 04 echo wrong password echo. echo atempt recorded ! rem wait 2000 (it compiler provided codes, ignore) exit :ver timeout 120 /nobreak>nul goto ver exit 

if needed can upload images too, say. :)

what start c:\windows\winlock.exe? lets start process , continue batch.


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