swift2 - Sorting a struct array or dictionary in Swift -

i have struct dictionary (taken swift: how declare 2d array (grid or matrix) in swift allow random insert , @rintaro ):

struct matrix2d<keyelem:hashable, value> {      var _storage:[keyelem:[keyelem:value]] = [:]      subscript(x:keyelem, y:keyelem) -> value? {         {             return _storage[x]?[y]         }         set(val) {             if _storage[x] == nil {                 _storage[x] = [:]             }             _storage[x]![y] = val         }     } } 

now sort dictionary x, can't find way achieve this. event possible sort dictionary? or should maybe use solution array instead of dictionary?

struct matrix2d<t> {      var _storage:[[t?]] = []      subscript(x:int, y:int) -> t? {         {             if _storage.count <= x {             return nil             }             if _storage[x].count <= y {                 return nil             }             return _storage[x][y]         }         set(val) {             if _storage.count <= x {                 let cols = [[t?]](count: x - _storage.count + 1, repeatedvalue: [])                 _storage.extend(cols)             }             if _storage[x].count <= y {                 let rows = [t?](count: y - _storage[x].count + 1, repeatedvalue: nil)                 _storage[x].extend(rows)             }             _storage[x][y] = val         }     } } 

thanks help!

a dictionary per definition collection type containing unordered key - value pairs.

there solutions ordered dictionaries using backing array, see example earning-swift-ordered-dictionaries


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