html - Scrollbars in modal prevent user action in Chrome -

i have modal dialog loads apsx page within it. i've got table in aspx page list customers. it's working in internet explorer, when open using google chrome, gives me 2 scrolls bar , i'm unable select item, note happen first item, if have more 2 customers can select second 1 on!

i have no idea can be.

running in ieenter image description here.

running in google chromeenter image description here


1. opening dialog

var dialogwindow = new mscrm.crmdialog(mscrm.crmuri.create(webresourceurl), window, 598, 298); dialogwindow.setcallbackreference(function (result) { alert(result) });; 

2. html page load aspx page

<form id="myform" runat="server">     <iframe width="590" height="280" id="iframechecklist" frameborder="0" scrolling="yes"></iframe> </form> 

3. aspx page

.record_table {     border-collapse: collapse; }  .highlight {      background-color: rgb(177, 214, 240);     }   <form id="form1" runat="server">         <div>             <asp:table id="maintable" class="record_table" runat="server">                 <asp:tablerow backcolor="white">                     <asp:tablecell cssclass="titulo" width="10px">                         <label></label>                     </asp:tablecell>                      <asp:tablecell cssclass="titulo" width="250px">                         <label>proponente</label>                     </asp:tablecell>                      <asp:tablecell cssclass="titulo" width="130px">                         <label>tipo de participação</label>                     </asp:tablecell>                      <asp:tablecell cssclass="titulo" width="90px">                         <label> participação</label>                     </asp:tablecell>                  </asp:tablerow>             </asp:table>         </div>          <asp:button cssclass="confirmbutton" style="padding: 0 0 0 0; border-radius:5px" id="btnconfirmar" text="confirmar" runat="server" onclientclick="btnconfirmaronclick(); return false;" />      </form> 


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