nested forms - Rails 4.2 saving has_and_belongs_to_many association Ids -

i have following bit of code working fine rails 4.1 protected_attributes gem (i didn't have code moved strong_parameters yet)


class employee     has_and_belongs_to_many :skills     attr_accessible :skill_ids, ...  end 


class skill   has_and_belongs_to_many :employees end 

i bind skills employee while updating employee view looks below


 <%= form_for @employee,  |f| %> .....    <%= f.collection_select :skill_ids, skill.all, :id, :name, {},      {:multiple => true, class: 'select2 '} %> ...... <% end %> 

skill_ids part of attr_accessible params worked while saving employee form. (note: doesn't require accepts_nested_attributes_for :skills set @ employee model)

rails 4.2

i in process of migrating code rails 4.2 , moving strong parameters.

i've white-listed skill_ids in employees controller , invoking on update action, :


def update   @employee = employee.find(params[:id])   @employee.update_attributes(employee_params) end  private  def employee_params   params.require(:employee).permit(:skill_ids, .....) end 

but wouldn't update skill ids employees.

can please point me has changed in rails 4.2 saving association values these?


the issue how whitelisted param. should whitelisted array param so:

 params.require(:employee).permit({:skill_ids => []}, .....) 


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