C# run-time completely skips lines of code - why? -

i put break point on line indicated below. when execution hits nothing happens. line , next 1 after skipped. can tell me occurring here? can't figure 1 out.

string correctname; string testingonetwothree; int indexofspace = 0; textinfo storelocation = new cultureinfo("en-us", false).textinfo; foreach(storelocation sl in storelocations) {     correctname = storelocation.totitlecase(sl.name);     correctname = correctname.substring(9); <breakpoint here>    indexofspace = correctname.indexof(" "); //i added line during runtime it's ignored. - placed break point , nothing happens.     testingonetwothree = "hello " + "world"; //after got paranoid , added line see if being crazy.  line skipped well.     correctname = correctname.tolower();     correctname = char.toupper(correctname[0]) + correctname.substring(1);     sl.name = correctname;     sl.state = lookupfullstatename(sl.state); } return storelocations; 


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