python - Defining any variable in -

there many posts got use case of , use define global variable 1 of them.
want know there demerit in defining local variable in ?

there no technical reason prevents using declaring global variables.

nevertheless, mean of modules define import structure of application. python documentation:

the files required make python treat directories containing packages; done prevent directories common name, such string, unintentionally hiding valid modules occur later on module search path. in simplest case, can empty file, can execute initialization code package or set __all__ variable, described later.

as developer, expect find in file import layout of application itself. it's last place when i'm exploring source code.

therefore, hiding implementation in misleading. true global variable lifecycle definition hard follow.

it's considered bad practice because breaks code readability 1 of python's guidelines.

import zen of python, tim peters  beautiful better ugly. explicit better implicit. simple better complex. ... readability counts. ... 


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