fullcalendar not getting events from google calendar -

fullcalendar not retrieving events google calendar, read google calendar api not support fullcalendar anymore?.i don't know if true.

here code

$(function () {  $('#calendar').fullcalendar({  header: {   left: 'prev,next today',   center: 'title',   right: 'month,agendaweek,agendaday' }, buttontext: {   today: 'today',   month: 'month',   week: 'week',   day: 'day' }, googlecalendarapikey: 'myapi', eventsources: {   googlecalendarid: 'example@gmail.com'   }  }) }); 


make work using code

 eventsources: [    { googlecalendarapikey: 'your api key',    googlecalendarid: 'email@gmail.com',    classname: 'fc-event-email'}]; 

from nov 17th 2014, google shutdown v1 , v2 of calendar api's.for full calendar work google calendar upgrade latest version of fullcalendar or @ least replace gcal.js file github.com/arshaw/fullcalendar/blob/v1.x/gcal.js . in above code, have include googlecalendarapikey , googlecalendarid inside eventsources. check link fullcalendar.io/docs1/google_calendar documentation


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