php - Variable "name" does not exist in UsersListBundle:Default:index.html.twig at line 1 - Symfony 2 -

i getting error using symfony 2 while fetching users database:

 variable "name" not exist in userslistbundle:default:index.html.twig @ line 1 500 internal server error - twig_error_runtime  

my code: index.html.twig

<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>symfony 2 example</title> <link href="/bundles/userslist/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" /> </head> <body> <div id="container">     <h1>user list page</h1>     <div id="body">         <p><a href="/">click here</a> homepage</p>         <p><a href="users/add">add new user</a></p>         <p>all users in users table using: <br />         <strong>$repository = $this->getdoctrine()->getrepository('userslistbundle:users');<br />         $users = $repository->findall();</strong></p>         {% if users not empty %)             <table cellpadding="4">                 <tr>                     <td><strong>id</strong></td>                     <td><strong>name</strong></td>                     <td><strong>email</strong></td>                     <td><strong>phone</strong></td>                 </tr>                 {% user in users %}                     <tr>                         <td>{{ }}</td>                         <td>{{ }}</td>                         <td>{{ }}</td>                         <td>{{ }}</td>                         <td><a href="users/edit/{{ }}">edit</a></td>                         <td><a href="users/delete/{{ }}">delete</a></td>                     </tr>                 {% endfor %}             </table>         {% else %}             <p>no users in database</p>         {% endif %}         <p>get id 1 in example table using: <br />         <strong>$user = $this->getdoctrine()->getrepository('userslistbundle:users')->find(1);</strong></p>     </div> </div> </body> </html> 

here controller code:

/**      * @route("/users")      * @template()      */     public function indexaction()     {         $repository = $this->getdoctrine()             ->getrepository('userslistbundle:users');          $users = $repository->findall();          return array('users' => $users);     } 

i have read articles error. hidden character. character occurs when hit alt gr + space. dont know how remove character. tried retyping same code no luck.

here user entity:

<?php // src/users/bundle/listbundle/entity/users.php  namespace users\bundle\listbundle\entity;  use doctrine\orm\mapping orm;  /**  * @orm\entity  * @orm\table(name="users")  */ class users {     /**      * @orm\column(type="integer")      * @orm\id      * @orm\generatedvalue(strategy="auto")      */     protected $id;      /**      * @orm\column(type="string", length=255)      */     protected $name;      /**      * @orm\column(type="string", length=200)      */     protected $email;      /**      * @orm\column(type="string", length=60)      */     protected $phone;      /**      * id      *      * @return integer       */     public function getid()     {         return $this->id;     }      /**      * set name      *      * @param string $name      * @return users      */     public function setname($name)     {         $this->name = $name;          return $this;     }      /**      * name      *      * @return string       */     public function getname()     {         return $this->name;     }      /**      * set email      *      * @param string $email      * @return users      */     public function setemail($email)     {         $this->email = $email;          return $this;     }      /**      * email      *      * @return string       */     public function getemail()     {         return $this->email;     }      /**      * set phone      *      * @param string $phone      * @return users      */     public function setphone($phone)     {         $this->phone = $phone;          return $this;     }      /**      * phone      *      * @return string       */     public function getphone()     {         return $this->phone;     } } 

here usercontroller:

<?php  namespace users\bundle\listbundle\controller;  use symfony\bundle\frameworkbundle\controller\controller; use sensio\bundle\frameworkextrabundle\configuration\route; use sensio\bundle\frameworkextrabundle\configuration\template; use users\bundle\listbundle\entity\users; use symfony\component\httpfoundation\request;  class userscontroller extends controller {     /**      * @route("/users")      * @template()      */     public function indexaction()     {         $repository = $this->getdoctrine()             ->getrepository('userslistbundle:users');          $users = $repository->findall();          return array('users' => $users);     }      /**      * @route("/users/add")      * @template()      */     public function addaction(request $request)     {          $user= new users();         $user->setname('name');         $user->setemail('email');         $user->setphone('phone');          $form=$this->createformbuilder($user)             ->add('name')             ->add('email')             ->add('phone')             ->getform();          if ($request->getmethod()=='post'){             $form->bind($request);             if ($form->isvalid()){                 $em = $this->getdoctrine()->getmanager();                 $em->persist($user);                 $em->flush();                 return $this->redirect($this->generateurl('users_list_users_index'), 301);             }         } else {             return $this->render('userslistbundle:users:add.html.twig',array(                 'form'=>$form->createview(),             ));         }     }      /**      * @route("/users/edit/{id}", requirements={"id" = "\d+"}, defaults={"id" = 0})      * @template()      */     public function editaction($id, request $request)     {         if ($id == 0){ // no user id entered             return $this->redirect($this->generateurl('users_list_users_index'), 301);         }         $user = $this->getdoctrine()             ->getrepository('userslistbundle:users')             ->find($id);          if (!$user) {// no user in system             throw $this->createnotfoundexception(                 'no user found id '.$id             );         }          $form=$this->createformbuilder($user)             ->add('name')             ->add('email')             ->add('phone')             ->getform();          if ($request->getmethod()=='post'){             $form->bind($request);             if ($form->isvalid()){                 $em = $this->getdoctrine()->getmanager();                 $em->persist($user);                 $em->flush();                 return $this->redirect($this->generateurl('users_list_users_index'), 301);             }         } else {             return $this->render('userslistbundle:users:edit.html.twig',array(                 'form'=>$form->createview(),             ));         }          return array('name' => $id);     }      /**      * @route("/users/delete/{id}", requirements={"id" = "\d+"}, defaults={"id" = 0})      * @template()      */     public function deleteaction($id)     {         if ($id == 0){ // no user id entered             return $this->redirect($this->generateurl('users_list_users_index'), 301);         }          $em = $this->getdoctrine()->getmanager();         $user = $em->getrepository('userslistbundle:users')->find($id);          if (!$user) { // no user in system             throw $this->createnotfoundexception(                 'no user found id '.$id             );         } else {             $em->remove($user);             $em->flush();             return $this->redirect($this->generateurl('users_list_users_index'), 301);         }     } } 

you have syntax issue on line :

{% if users not empty %) 

replace %) %}


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